
Skills Acquisition and Professional Development Courses On Offer

Enjoy massive discount on these courses if you register before September 30, 2023. We also have additional 10% discount for more than five registrations for these courses from same company. The 10% discount applies to the extra number of attendees after the first five.

Enjoy massive discount on these courses if you register before September 30, 2023. We also have additional 10% discount for more than five registrations for these courses from same company. The 10% discount applies to the extra number of attendees after the first five.


Duration: 2 days, 19 & 20 November 2023

Theme: Dynamic Strategic Planning Practice: Cracking the Code for Performance Excellence Today


The world of Business has been characterized by Turbulence, Uncertainties, Competitiveness, Complexities, Ambiguities and Diversities.
As a result, the future cannot be predicted with any certainties, the various dynamics and diversities can hardly be malleable. So, often no single strategic planning approach and process can deliver performance excellence, and business models are increasingly not producing planned economic and growth outcomes. For these and other reasons, many traditional strategic planning efforts have failed, and many executives and companies are wondering if strategic planning projects and efforts are worth their periodic investments in them.

At the business level, an organization’s degree of success is directly correlated to the dynamism, quality and ability of its strategy and business model. This training will demonstrate to you innovative strategies and business models for accomplishing exponential strategic advantage and growth.

This training programs will also expose you to a unifying choice framework that will help you understand the realities of business environments, localize the special circumstances that your company is facing, match and map your strategy approach and process to the peculiarities of your business settings. Finally, you will also develop skills for building strategic bridges that successfully ensures effective planning and execution.


 The following course contents and topics will be delivered to drive the achievements of the above aims.

  1. Strategic Planning, Evolution and Growth.
  2. Why Some Strategic Planning Projects Fail: And How Companies Overcome Them
  • Dynamic Strategic Planning Practice Today- Framework
  1. Strategic Thinking and Understanding of the Organization’s Changing Realities
  2. Strategizing Your Strategy for All Time Success
  3. Choosing The Right Strategic Planning Approach for The Organization Today
  • Corporate Strategic Planning Today: Navigating in 3D Pulls
  • Business Strategies for Sustainable Advantage
  1. Minimax Business Modelling for Exponential Performance
  2. Implementation Planning Envelop: The Winners Strategic Bridging
  3. Documenting and Writing the Strategic Plan.


All executives, managers, business owners, technical operatives, change and performance managers, scholars and consultants, who desire to understand the realities of the changing business environment, choose the right approaches and processes to strategic planning, business strategies and models and then acquire skills for developing and implementing them for organizations performance excellence.


The training will be presented in highly practical, interactive and solutions deliveries that will include instructions, discussions, case stories, management films and role plays, to explain and demonstrate concepts, techniques and practices.


Prof. Joseph MBA


At the end of this course, each participant shall be issued executive certificate in strategic planning practice.


Duration: 2 Days, 19-20 November, 2023.

Theme: Workplace Personality and Effective Communication using DISC


Companies and organizations spend a lot of time and effort to set up structure, recruit, hire the best employees, and sometimes train them, but often leave out their ability to communicate effectively to luck and chance. Unfortunately, this has adverse effects on the performance of the employees and productivity of the organization. Almost in every workplace, we experience cases where bosses that have Dominant personalities are seen as being too domineering, and employees that show Influencing personalities might be seen as unserious. Colleagues that have Steady personalities might be seen to be too laid-back and those with Compliant personalities might be seen as suffering from analysis paralysis.  All these differences in personality of employees can make the work place toxic if the organization does not provide employees with adequate training on how to understand their personality and harness the strength in their differences. 

This course is an in-depth study of The John Maxwell DISC Method (Personality Profile), which provides organizations with the opportunity to help their employees grow themselves by understanding their personalities and what naturally drives them. When we recognize our strengths and weaknesses, we are able to give our best and it makes it easier to work with people. Imagine the possibilities, if we could tap into our greatest motivations and that of those around us. This would dramatically improve our relationships and accelerate our results because our individual personality affects every aspect of our life. 

Everyone we encounter is motivated differently, communicates differently, and view tasks and relationship differently. This course will help you achieve greater success when you learn to value your strength as well as those of others, making it easy to get along with anyone, even if you are not a “people person”.


  • Introduction to behavioural analysis
  • Understanding and applying DISC personality model
  • The Trust Model
  • Behavioural principles
  • Principles of motivation
  • DISC fundamentals
  • Compatibility of various behavioural styles
  • Application of personality system
  • Case Study: Conflict Resolution and Team Building
  • Effect of personality on personal Growth
  • Personal motivators
  • Communication goals
  • Strength-based approach to influencing people


Individuals and Teams who wish to develop their communication and conflict resolution skills including Early Career Professionals, Mid-Career Professionals, Senior Management and C-suite Executives.


The delivery format includes taking personality tests, short courses, video examples, group discussions, practical demonstrations, printed graphics and Q&A sessions. Participants will also be able to role play different personality style to enable them understand the difference and strengths of each personality and how it will help them achieve more in their day to day activities.



Temitope Oshuntuyi is a Certified Coach, Trainer, and Speaker with over 10 years’ experience, helping professionals develop their leadership and communication skills. He is also a certified Behavioural Analysis Consultant, helping people recognize their strength, limitations and how to connect with other personalities. He is a personal growth enthusiast; he believes that no one can achieve greater things without growing themselves first.

As an ardent Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) member, he has served with SPE International at the local, regional, and international levels. He is a recipient of the SPE International 2019 Regional Public Service Award. He served for 9 consecutive years from 2010 – 2019 on SPE Lagos Section Board and 12 consecutive years on SPE Nigeria Council Committees from 2010 till date, holding several positions including Section Chair, Section Director, SPE Nigeria Council Secretary and SPE International Student Integration Chair.

Enjoy massive discount on these courses if you register before September 30, 2023. We also have additional 10% discount for more than five registrations for these courses from same company. The 10% discount applies to the extra number of attendees after the first five.